Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Gone Croppin'

I have been trying to post about my recent crop, but blogger was having some issues and would only accept bits and pieces of the post. So I'm hoping I can get it all in tonight.

I met up with some friends I have made on a couple of yahoo groups, we met up at Journey Lane in Fredricksburg, TX. Most of us are members of both groups. Memory Scrappers and TX Scrappin Chicks. (blogger is not allowing me to add links to the groups at this time....so head on over to yahoo groups and look us up!)

Some got lots done at the crop....I however...didn't! I was too busy gabbing to get anything complete. When I got home, I did finish what I started. I used a round wood piece and a wooden letter T and deco-podged them with patterened papers, added some bling, and this is what I created. One would think that I could of finished this in an 8 hour time frame....huh? Took me 8 hours just to get the papers deco-podged! LOL!

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Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Oh, this is just stunning! I love the pearl flourish! Again, just stunning!
Kim xXx

Jenn said...

LOVE IT! (of course!!!)


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