Thursday, June 25, 2009

Altered A

Over at Memory Scrappers yahoo group, we have a Ms. Memory Scrapper each month. How this works is, say like the month of June it's my good friend Ann, so all month long we send her lil goodies, handmade, store bought, or even found objects. Each time she receives a envie, that person gets put in the drawing for a chace at being the next months MMS. Sounds fun..huh? who doesn't like to open their mailbox and find lil goodies inside?
Here is a pic of an altered wooden letter A that I did for her. The picture really doesn't do it justice, it is MUCH more beautiful in person (tooting my own

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Semi Granola Mom said...

WOW, that truly is beautiful!

BoxerBrats said...

How pretty! I love it all -- the papers, the textures & the flowers!

Beautiful work, Tea!


Anonymous said...

Another incredible creation from Theresa! I love it!

Melody said...

Didn't mean for that to be anonymous, dang it. I don't know what I'm doing half the time. Who's the blind one here? HA!


Kimberly said...

What a beautiful A :) And such a neat idea for your group to do :)

Jenn said...

Tea I LOVE it!!!!!!! Its so pretty and shabby and girly and just perfect! Great job!!!! (As always!)

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Gorgeous! I adore this paper!
Thanks for the lovely comment on my blog. Love your blog too!
Kim xXx

Julie Ann said...

Just gorgeous!! That's a really neat idea your group does :)

Unknown said...

Great work, Theresa! Thanks for signing up to be a follower on my blog. I just gave my June RAK away, so you'll be in the July drawing. Stop by tomorrow (the 4th) and you can go "blog hopping".

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